Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

South Sudan Livelihoods and Resilience Project (SSLRP)

Project Objective

Empower communities to participate in decision – making processes that will recover agriculture livelihoods, build household resilience and promote stability.


38,800 households

Project Location

Eastern Equatoria State (Magwi & Torit), Central Equatoria State (Kajo–Keji & Terekeka) and Jonglei State (Bor)


International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Dutch Government, and the Government of South Sudan 

Implementing Partner

VSF- Germany & Action Africa Help – International 

Total Funds

US $ 22.27 Million

Project Duration

6 years (2021 -2027)

Project Overview

SSLRP supports agriculture recovery and income stabilization efforts through Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach that contributes towards strengthening household and community institutions, strengthening social cohesion whilst contributing to the economic empowerment of communities. 

Key Project Components

SSLRP employs a community driven development planning approach to build strong and inclusive community-based organizations to develop community driven development plans. The plans support the community to improve agricultural production and livelihoods through investment for climate sensitive agriculture production and rural livelihoods as well as building community infrastructure to support production and marketing. The project supports MAFS through building institutional capacity and policy support. 

For more information on the project, contact: Hakim Luka Yatta, Project Manager: / +211 928507441 or Janet Maya Logo, Communications Officer: / +211 926 592 713

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