Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

The Directorate of Agricultural Research is a directorate within the National Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security responsible for all agricultural research activities conducted by the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in the republic of South Sudan. DAR’s mandate is to conduct basic and applied research, promote, coordinate agricultural research and advise the government and other stakeholders on matters related to agricultural research for sustainable development.


To be the lead directorate of excellence for Agricultural Research for Development (R4D) in the country and beyond


To generate and promote application of knowledge, innovation and agricultural technologies as catalyst for transforming agriculture from subsistence to commercial for improved agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security, sustainable agriculture and economic growth involving stakeholders in the country and global community.


Increased agricultural productivity for improved food and nutrition security and contribution to economic growth.

Core values:

The core values of South Sudan’s directorate of agricultural research (SS-DAR) are teamwork, professionalism, transparency, accountability, integrity, excellence, partnership, equity and inclusiveness.

Strategic Objectives

  1. To improve availability and use of agricultural technologies and     innovations for improved crop production and productivity. 
  2. To enhance use of affordable and effective post-harvest and storage technologies.
  3. To increase use of technologies for sustainable management of natural resources and climate smart agriculture.

  4. To widen use of appropriate mechanized operations for improved production and productivity.

  5. To enhance food processing and value addition technologies,  improved nutrition, quality and market access

  6. To strengthen and promote cutting edge science applications in agriculture

  7. To create a physical environment conducive for productive research work
  8. To build institutional capacity for a pluralistic and demand drive National Agricultural Research System (NARS). 

Functions of the Directorate of Agricultural Research

1.   Promote and encourage breeding, adaptation and adoption of new and improved crop varieties.


2.   Ensure reduction of losses caused by pests and diseases in crops.


3.   Promote sustainable increased crop yields and preservation of the natural resource base.


4.   Introduce and develop improved agricultural implements and machinery in South Sudan.


5.   Facilitate improved knowledge, skills and competence of personnel in the national agricultural research system of South Sudan.


6.   Create conducive environment to minimize the losses caused by droughts, floods and heat stresses.



7.   Facilitate establishment of a physical and technical environment conducive to advanced productive research work


8.   Enhanced collaboration with development partners and international institutions to build institutional capacity for a pluralistic and demand-driven National Agricultural Research System (NARS).


9.   Facilitate provision of data and information for promoting efficient, rational and equitable utilisation of land by small, medium and large-scale commercial farmers, planters and ranchers.


10.   Create conducive business and trade environment to expand market opportunities for South Sudanese products at national, regional and global markets.


For more information, contact:

Dr. George Louis Tokporo Tadu
Director General
Email:  /
Mobile: +211 921 288 331 / +211 922 002 639 / +211 912 549 022