Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Emergency Locust Response Project (ELRP)

Project Objective

Respond to the threat posed by the locust outbreak, protect and restore livelihoods, and strengthen systems for preparedness.


184,176 vulnerable households

Project Location

Eastern Equatoria State (Magwi, Kapoeta, Lafon & Torit), Central Equatoria State (Juba), Jonglei State (Bor & Pibor), Northern Bahr El Ghazal State (Aweil North), and Upper Nile State (Renk & Melut)


World Bank 

Implementing Partners


Total Funds

US $ 50.7 million

Project Duration

2021 – 2024 (3 years)

Project Overview

The Emergency Locust Response Project (ELRP) is a 3-year Government owned project funded by the World Bank. It focuses on providing a mix of investments that contribute to reducing food and nutrition insecurity for households and communities affected by the impacts of the locust upsurge in the country. 

Key Project Components

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has established institutional structures that will coordinate the Desert Locust surveillance and control activities at national, state and local government levels to provide strategic and technical support to the surveillance and control operations. The project also supports most vulnerable households to receive direct cash support to recover from the devastating impact of the Desert Locusts and food insecurity. The ELRP also restores the natural resource base for crops and livestock besides strengthening national preparedness systems. 

MAFS has established a Single Project Coordination Unit to provide technical support to the implementation of the project. 

Key Achievements

  • 30,786 (including 22,811 female headed) affected households supported with cash assistance.
  • 11,050 (including 6,712 female headed households) affected farmers received agricultural inputs (seeds and tools).
  • 12,000 Hectares of affected crop production land area restored to productivity 
  • 10,000 tree seedlings  planted as part of natural resource restoration.
  •  7  community nurseries established in 7 counties.

For additional achievements on this project, refer to the Results Framework

For more information on the project, contact: Martin Dramani, Project Manager: / +211 928009518 or Janet Maya Logo, Communications Officer: / +211 926 592 713







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