Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Comprehensive Agricultural Master Plan

  1. GoRSS 0 CAMP Final Report.pdf
  2. GoRSS 1 CAMP Annex I CAMP Investment Plan_Volume 1.pdf
  3. GoRSS 2 CAMP Annex I CAMP Investment Plan_volume 2.pdf
  4. GoRSS 3 CAMP Annex II CAMP Implementation.pdf
  5. GoRSS 4 CAMP Annex III Development Options Analysis.pdf
  6. GoRSS 5 CAMP Annex IV Situation Analysis Report 2013-2015.pdf
  7. GoRSS 6 CAMP Annex V Livelihood Zone Data Book 2014.pdf
  8. GoRSS 7 CAMP Annex VI State Profile.pdf
  9. GoRSS 8 CAMP Annex VII Consolidated References.pdf
  10. GoRSS 10 CAMP Annex I CAMP Investment Plan_combined version.pdf
  11. Environmental-and-Social-Commitment-Plan-ESCP-Productive-Safety-Net-for-Socioeconomic-Opportunities-Project-
  12. ESCP-South-Sudan-Resilient-Agricultural-Livelihoods-Project-P169120
  13. P169120 RALP ESMF_FINAL
  14. P174546 ELRP South Sudan ESMF_FINAL 08.12.2021
  15. P174546 ELRP South Sudan Stakeholder Engagement Plan_FINAL 08.12.2021
  16. SNSOP South Sudan Labour Management Procedures September 2022
  17. SNSOP South Sudan Social Assessment _final
  18. Stakeholder-Engagement-Plan-SEP-Productive-Safety-Net-for-Socioeconomic-Opportunities-Project-
  19. Stakeholder-Engagement-Plan-SEP-South-Sudan-Resilient-Agricultural-Livelihoods-Project-P169120
  20. South_Sudan_ESMF_version_GCF24Jan2024