Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Enhancing the Resilience of Poor Households in South Sudan

Eva Ituwa, a beneficiary operating a small business in Juba. Photo: John Lomoro Sindani, World Bank JUBA, February 23, 2023 − Recent global shocks have led to an increase in food prices and adversely affected consumption patterns for poor and vulnerable households, the majority being headed by women. The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) has been […]

Press Release on Fraudulent Information Published on Social Media

Press Release: JUBA, December 09, 2022: It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) that a fraudulent announcement was published on our Facebook page, claiming that the Ministry in partnership with the international Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and Farmer Based Network is offering financial aid to all […]