Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Stakeholders Validate Additional Financing Output Agreement to Scale up Agriculture and Livelihoods Support in Flood Affected Counties

Stakeholders Validate Additional Financing Output Agreement to Scale up Agriculture and Livelihoods Support in Flood Affected Counties Hon. Josephine Lagu Yanga, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security (Second to right) officiated the validation workshop, flanked by Hon. Dr. John Kanisio the MAFS Undersecretary (Left), Hon. Prof. Mathew Gordon Udo, MAFS Undersecretary for Cooperatives and Rural […]

New safety net project to benefit more than 96,000 vulnerable South Sudanese households with socioeconomic opportunities

Juba, 17 August 2023 – The Government of the Republic of South Sudan unveils a new $129 million World Bank-funded Productive Safety Net for Socio-economic Opportunities Project (SNSOP) which is set to benefit more than 96,000 vulnerable households in selected 15 counties across the country through cash transfers and income generating livelihood opportunities while also […]

UN and South Sudan join forces to boost rural development through producers’ organizations and access to finance

  Juba, 1 August 2023. As South Sudan’s food security deteriorates due to localized conflict, displacement triggered by the Sudan crisis, and climate-related shocks like flooding, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the UN’s Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of South Sudan today signed a financial agreement for a seven-year, US$25.6 million project […]

World Bank Regional Vice President Visit to South Sudan Highlights Opportunities for Investment in the Agriculture and Social Protection Sectors

JUBA, March 27, 2023 – The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) are calling for greater investment in the agriculture and social protection sectors in order to increase the food security, nutrition and income of […]

Enhancing the Resilience of Poor Households in South Sudan

Eva Ituwa, a beneficiary operating a small business in Juba. Photo: John Lomoro Sindani, World Bank JUBA, February 23, 2023 − Recent global shocks have led to an increase in food prices and adversely affected consumption patterns for poor and vulnerable households, the majority being headed by women. The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) has been […]

Press Release on Fraudulent Information Published on Social Media

Press Release: JUBA, December 09, 2022: It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) that a fraudulent announcement was published on our Facebook page, claiming that the Ministry in partnership with the international Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and Farmer Based Network is offering financial aid to all […]