Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods Project (RALP)

Project Objective

Strengthen the capacity of farmers and their organizations and improve agricultural production and productivity


140,000 farming households

Project Location

Phase 1: Eastern Equatoria State (Magwi & Torit), Jonglei State (Bor), Northern Bahr El Ghazal State (Aweil East & Aweil South), Western Bahr El Ghazal State (Wau and Jur River) and Upper Nile State (Renk).

Phase 2: Central Equatoria State (Yei), Western Equatoria State (Maridi), Upper Nile State (Melut), Jonglei State (Twic East & Akobo)


World Bank

Implementing Partner


Total Funds

US $ 62.5 million

Project Duration

2021 – 2026 (5 Years)

Project Overview

The project lays the foundation to strengthen resilience in the face of climate, economic, conflict, and other social challenges currently being experienced in the country.  It prioritizes investments that help to increase agricultural resilience through capacity building of farmers and institutions and supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) in integrating climate change into national policies and planning processes. 

Key Project Components

RALP supports capacity building of farmers in good agronomic practices through formation and strengthening of farmer groups and improving farmers knowledge and skills. The project supports investment by increasing access to food for households facing acute food insecurity, increasing the availability of quality seeds and enhancing access to technology and mechanization. The project provides technical assistance and capacity building to the MAFS.

MAFS has established a Single Project Coordination Unit to provide technical support to the implementation of the project. 

Project Achievements

  • 15,500 (including 11,454 female headed) farming households reached with agricultural inputs  and services.
  • 5,319 (including 3,935 female headed) small scale farmers provided with climate-resilient seeds.
  • 149 farmer organizations established and strengthened.
  • 149 National, state and county staff trained in delivering agricultural services.
  • 25,779 (including 13,137 female) farmers biometrically registered to receive support.

For additional achievements on this project, refer to the Results Framework.

For more information on the project, contact: Tabule Noah Silvester, Project Manager: / +211 914 528 426 or Janet Maya Logo, Communications Officer: / +211 926 592 713

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