Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

The Directorate of Planning and Programming is responsible for budgeting and coordination of activities at both ministerial and sectoral level including food security programmes and projects. Their main functions include:
1. Coordination of activities related to agriculture and food security with all actors including but not limited to line Ministries, MAFS directorates, State Ministries of Agriculture and Food Security Partners, NGOs and farmers based organizations (FBOs)

2. In collaboration with stakeholders to collect, process and disseminate data on agriculture, food security and livelihoods to inform decision makers for effective direction

3. To initiate development of policies, master plans, strategic plans and work plans

4. To assist in the formulation of programmes/projects and monitor and evaluate their implementation and performance at all layers of the government and private sectors

5. To keep tab of food commodities market prices and movement within the country and at the neighbouring countries border posts to reap benefits of comparative advantages

6. To provide early warning system for the adverse and favourable factors affecting Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) for effective preparedness and timely response

7. In collaboration with RSS line ministries and MA&FS directorates to explore investment opportunities for people who would like to engage in commercial farming especially private investors without compromising the natural resources for generations to come

8. To improve capacities at all levels of the government especially in the areas of project cycle management (PCM), M&E, data collection, processing, dissemination and archiving.

For more information, contact:
John Obita Pangech
Director General